Dr. Syed Sajjad Haider Zaidi
Princple Investigator

Assistant Professor                                                                 


Email: sajjadzaidi@pnec.nust.edu.pk


Power Systems Research Lab (PSRL) is committed to deliver international quality research in Engineering Field. Prime objective is to make optimum utilization of national resources in the most effective and innovative way for the betterment of mankind, for easy of human toil and comfort of generations to come. We envision the utilization of electrical machines blended with the modern techniques of signal processing and embedded hardware which can bring another significant improvement in human lives.

Our laboratory has been and will be dedicated to building a resilient, intelligent, sustainable, and smart power grid, and providing solutions not only technically and economically sound, but also satisfying social, environmental, and business development requirements.


We are rigorously pursing basic and applied research for the technical problems emerging from the cross discipline application of engineering approaches. PSRL addresses issues related but not limited to electrical machine, signal processing, smart grid technology and similar areas. Few of the primary research goals at PSRL are as follows:

  • Development of fault tolerant machines
  • Development of machine diagnosis and prognosis methodologies
  • Development of programmable single chip (PoSC) based system
  • Solutions to complex electromechanical problems for national and international need
  • Innovation in research practices


Areas of Research

The main areas in which research is undertaken at our laboratory include:

  1. Power Systems
  2. Brain Signal Processing (Biomedical)
  3. Automation
  4. Industrial Automation
  5. Underwater Technologies